Sunday, October 16, 2016

Life of Masks

Welcome to my life, though this isn't really my life.

I wish I call tell you all who I am, but I can't.  Not because I don't want to, but because I honestly don't know who I am.  You see, when you spend your whole life trying to earn the approval and acceptance of others, you tend to lose yourself. I put on a mask everyday, I've been sleeping with these masks too. They have become such an inseparable part of my life, I no longer know who I am without these masks. I no longer know who I am.

I have designed and created hundreds, if not thousands of masks. A facade for every person I meet, for every situation I encounter, for every emotion I feel.  I have perfected and polished these masks for many years, and all of them are flawless. How do I perfect so many facades? I would stand in front of the mirror for hours at a time, and practice my different quirks and traits for all the different personalities I have designed. I would lie in bed and study my different laughs and giggles, and analyze my diverse tones of voice.

Scary right?